Section: Software

Maple packages for differential algebra and algebraic invariants

Participant : Evelyne Hubert.

  • The Maple package diffalg is a collection of routines to handle systems of polynomial differential equations and inequations. The functionalities include differential elimination, expansion of the solutions into formal power series and analysis of singular solutions. The underlying theory and terminology belongs to differential algebra.

    Collaborators: François Boulier and François Lemaire from University of Lille.

  • The Maple AIDA package is a collection of routines to explore algebra of differential invariants: computation of generating sets of invariants, rewritings, syzygies, and their differential analogues. The package builds on the Maple libraries Groebner, Vessiot and diffalg.

    http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Evelyne.Hubert/aida/ .